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HerKey (formerly JobsForHer) makes your job search easy, swift and stress-free! With jobs for women in a large variety of fields, we ensure you never miss out on an opportunity. Freshers, women professionals, candidates with experience, women returnees and those looking for volunteering options can find the best jobs in cities like ...e">Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi and others. Pick from work-from-home jobs, online jobs or part-time jobs for women. Our 7,000+ partner companies are waiting to hear from you! Filter vacancies according to the job role, industry, functional area, flexibility and city, and find the job that fits you the best. Whether you’re looking for IT jobs, jobs in Accounts, Finance jobs, Banking jobs or even Teaching and Healthcare jobs, HerKey (formerly JobsForHer)’s job listings give you the opportunities you’ve always dreamed of. Once you visit each individual job page, you can easily match your skills to those the job requires, along with experience, educational qualifications and functional area. You can also find out what women-friendly initiatives the employer offers. A counter tells you how many other women have applied for the same job and when the listing was posted on HerKey (formerly JobsForHer). Then, you can either save for applying later, refer a friend or apply with 1-click right away!

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